Welcome to Revolte
Latest news
“EDDE TIJD?” – Een Studentenforum waar iedere student telt!
Rita: Dé Nieuwe IT-tante voor Studenten!
De Warme Wintermarkt van Revolte was weer een schitterend succes!
Revolte zoekt enthousiaste studenten voor werkgroepen
Jullie Kwamen samen met Revolte massaal op tegen Kanker!
Revolte op Student Kick Off en de Stuvovillage
Ons allereerste studentenforum!
Stuvers praten mee over kwaliteit!
What does Revolte do?
What?! Revolte?
Revolte stands for student participation at HOGENT. We represent the voice of all HOGENT students. And this voice does not only resound within the study programme. It also reaches far beyond.
Giving HOGENT a boost
We have a lot of expertise in house and are happy to give advice to the HOGENT management. Often on request, but also on our own initiative.
Shaping the curricula
Both at the level of the degree programme and within the departments, professors and students enter into dialogue with each other in order to further perfect the degree programme. As a student, you really get the chance to improve the curriculum.
Unlimited growth
Student representatives (stuver) continue to develop themselves. Did you know that there are two coaches who support you throughout your stuver career? Besides that you can also appeal to an extensive offer of trainings and workshops.
Community building
Revolte is a cosy place and we try to create the same atmosphere throughout HOGENT. Through events on the campus, students get to know each other better. But Covid-19 has also taught us how to entertain digitally. The more friends, the more joy!
Revolting even beyond HOGENT
We also carry the voice of our students outside the walls of HOGENT. For example, every month we sit around the table with policy officers from the city of Ghent to make the city even more student-friendly. Super interesting!
The Revolte crew speaks

Serious Sh*t
The functioning of the student council is shaped by the policy plan and various regulations. You can read all about it below:
- Student Participation Policy Plan 2020-2025
- Student Participation Regulations
- Election Regulations for the election of student representatives to the Departmental Student Councils and the General Student Council
- Election Regulations for the election of student representatives of the School of Arts to the General Student Council (ASR) of HOGENT as referred to in Article II.314 of the Codex of Higher Education